KAVALI snacks are produced in a production hall with a surface area of 855 square meters. The hall was purpose-built to meet the maximum health standards and the requirements of modern food processing.

KAVALI Fruit and Vegetable biophilization and Tea Packaging Plant
Project identification number: VP-3-4.2.1-15
Funding: European Agricultural and Rural Development Fund
Total project amount (amount applied for): HUF 847 248 468
Direct grant amount: HUF 423 624 234
Rate of grant: 50%
Beneficiary name: MPM Research Kft.
Address of beneficiary: 1039 Budapest, Rákóczi utca 38.
Date of project implementation start: 01.07.2016.
Actual project completion date: 28.02.2023.
Short description of the project
Health preservation and nutrition awareness are among the most important current issues. However, there are few products on the market that truly combine health, pleasure and simplicity. KAVALI snack and smoothie products offer all these qualities.
KAVALI products are made from high quality ripe ingredients. The gentle, low-temperature vacuum drying technology preserves the nutritional value and flavor of the fruits. Due to this unique technology, the production process is much faster and more energy-efficient than lyophilization, and preserves the functional and biologically active components of the food (e.g. flavorings, carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin A, antioxidants) to a far greater extent.
The plant-based products, which are available in a variety of flavors, are produced at the production facility of MPM Research Ltd. in Mórahalom with the help of our renowned researchers and experts.